It takes about 15 minutes and 40 seconds to produce one Large Filtered Water and 7 minutes and 40 seconds to produce one Salt. The Multipurpose Room blueprint can be acquired by scanning a Multipurpose Room at any of the Degasi Seabases.A Water Filtration Machine uses Energy from a Seabase to desalinate seawater, making Salt and Large Filtered Water (+50 water). Bulkheads cannot be placed in the automatically generated corridor sections or directly at the doorways.Vertical Connectors cannot be used on a Multipurpose Room.Placing an Alien Containment will also turn the middle of the floor of a room above into a circular glass panel: this does not affect the ability to place modules on the central spot in that room. Alien Containments stacked in multiple vertical Multipurpose Rooms will join together into a single floor-spanning unit.Once this is done, the Multipurpose Room on the bottom will lose its rounded top to connect to the Multipurpose Room above it. A Multipurpose Room can be expanded vertically using a second Multipurpose Room.This is the only placement option for these four modules.

An Alien Containment, Bioreactor or Nuclear Reactor can be placed in the center, and Water Filtration Machines can be placed on all eight of the side-panels.Reinforcements can be placed on all eight of the side-panels for Hull Integrity bonus.

Note that the module cannot be deconstructed if it still contains any ladders. If ladders are built in the same location on multiple floors, they will still be scaled one floor at a time. The locations forming a square will preclude building a Water Filtration Machine at that location in both rooms the ladder connects, while the center location will prevent construction of an Alien Containment, Bioreactor or Nuclear Reactor in both rooms.
#Subnautica multipurpose room fragments 2020 windows
Windows can be placed on all eight of the side-panels.In addition, if the Room contains an Alien Containment, Hatches can be built inside the Room on the exterior of the Alien Containment in the four cardinal directions to provide access. Hatches can be placed on all eight of the side-panels.Other base modules that auto-generate connections follow the same rule. I Compartments, T Compartments and X Compartments can be placed on the side-panels in the four cardinal directions, but not the ordinals.The first piece of a Seabase starts with +10 Integrity, thus if a Multipurpose Room is the first piece built it gets 10 - 1.25, or 8.8 (rounded) at surface depth. When the Multipurpose Room is "stacked" with another Multipurpose Room, the floors can be accessed by building ladders, or by constructing an Alien Containment with hatches on the levels the player wishes to be able to access.Įvery Multipurpose Room added to a Seabase reduces the Hull Integrity by 1.25 (The game shows -1.3 because it rounds the number. When the Multipurpose Room is horizontally adjacent to another Seabase module, a small length of corridor is automatically created to join them. It is constructed with a Habitat Builder and can be placed on top of a Foundation or on its own, forming legs if it is close enough to terrain in the latter case. It is a fairly large drum-shaped module with an octagonal interior, which by default is empty. It provides a much larger space for movement and placement of internal fixtures than the I Compartment and its variants, and is the only module where several of the larger internal fixtures can be placed. The Multipurpose Room is a Seabase Module.